Emotional Blunting, No Libido, No Life
The article ‘Emotional Blunting, No Libido, No Life’ published on P.E. Moskowitz’s Mental Hellth blog, features interviews with two members of the PSSD Network. Rosie shares her personal struggle with PSSD after taking Lexapro, highlighting its negative impact on her well-being.
Ruben, co-founder of the network, discusses his partner's experience with PSSD and the lack of awareness surrounding it.
Mad in America / Mad in UK feature: Antidepressants Have Destroyed My Sexual Function and Range of Emotions
We're thrilled to share that the PSSD Network's collaboration with Simon, one of our members, has gained recognition on Mad In America and Mad in UK.
Simon's powerful account, originally featured in the article you provided, highlights the impact of antidepressant medications on individuals' lives.
Thanks to our partnership, we've amplified his voice and raised awareness about the hidden epidemic of Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD). Join us in our mission to advocate for improved care and support for those affected by PSSD.
News10 ABC: Public Concern Over Sexual Dysfunction After Antidepressant Use
The article “Public Concern Over Sexual Dysfunction After Antidepressant Use” by EIN Presswire raises concern over PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction). A sufferer within the article states “I am a PSSD sufferer from Massachusetts. I had my emotions, my feelings, and sexuality ripped away from me by an understudied side effect from quitting SSRIs. I would not wish this hell upon my worst enemies.” PSSD is too understudied for the severity of the destructive symptoms it causes upon too many lives. ABC responds with the following: “It is crucial for individuals to research the potential side effects of psychopharmaceuticals and listen to the experiences of those who have suffered from them.”
Läkartidningen: Sexual dysfunction after SSRI discontinuation must be considered
The Swedish article “Sexual dysfunction after SSRI discontinuation must be considered” by André Marx discusses how PSSD goes underreported due to the fact that patients are not asked if sexual dysfunction has persisted after treatment. Despite the fact that PSSD was acknowledged by the EMA, it has not been given a formal ICD and has not been recognized as a diagnosis. Considering how troublesome PSSD is for patients, the author explains how strange it is that much of the population is on these drugs and nobody is being warned about the potential to lose their sexuality forever.
Psychology Today: Sexual Dysfunction May Continue Even After SSRIs Are Ended
The article “Sexual Dysfunction May Continue Even After SSRIs Are Ended” by Christopher Lane informs readers about the shared experience that some patients are reporting after discontinuing their SSRI. This article highlights the importance of PSSD and its acknowledgement by the EMA (European Medical Agency) in 2019. The piece also states that the difference between depression and PSSD is quite clear, as symptoms such as genital numbness is not a symptom of any mental illness. Researchers claim that treatment remains challenging, and that many strategies have been suggested without definitive outcomes.
PSSD Segment, Antidepressants: useful or dangerous?
Great news for PSSD awareness! PSSD has gotten some more much needed attention and has made its way into a French documentary titled ‘Antidepressants: useful or dangerous?’. It was aired on France 5, a channel which 3.6% of France tunes into.
Our network has also gotten some spotlight attention in the clip, where it displays our website along with different sections that include stories of sufferers. One more reason why this is great news for us is that the more news outlets talk about PSSD, the more likely it could be to get other outlets to cover us in the future.
Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction & Medical Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Dr. Awais Aftab's article delves into PSSD, examining the importance of informed consent and the challenges of discussing rare medication risks.
It offers valuable insights from psychiatrists, addressing PSSD's prevalence and clinical considerations. Additionally, the article features powerful testimonies from our community, providing firsthand experiences and highlighting our organization's active involvement in raising awareness about PSSD.
Mashable: What is post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction and what do I need to know about it?
The article “What is post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction and what do I need to know about it?” by Katie Baskerville educates those unfamiliar with the debilitating syndrome, PSSD. The article describes the symptoms and loss of life quality due to PSSD. It is mentioned at the end of the article that PSSD is a serious condition that causes distress, and there is currently no treatment. It is suggested that only future research will hold the answer to revealing what is causing this severe iatrogenic syndrome.
The hidden epidemic of sexual dysfunction which experts blame on SSRI antidepressants
Our campaign's powerful images have captured the attention of a wider audience, fostering greater understanding and empathy. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who participated in our awareness campaign, sharing their stories and allowing their pictures to be featured. Your bravery has made a significant impact.
The Daily Mail feature is a testament to our collective determination to bring this issue to the forefront and ensure that the voices of PSSD sufferers are heard.
Read the article by Jo Macfarlane in the Daily Mail to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by individuals living with PSSD and support our ongoing efforts to raise awareness and find solutions for this condition.
MEL: For Some People, The Sexual Side Effects Of SSRIs Never Go Away
The article “For Some People, The Sexual Side Effects Of SSRIs Never Go Away” by Brit Dawson describes how the sexual side effects of antidepressants persist for many after discontinuing. The patient stories shared within this article highlights the lack of informed consent for potential permanent side effects after discontinuing the drugs. Those affected by PSSD explain their frustration due to the hidden serious side effect, PSSD. Those affected explain that it is crucial to continue spreading awareness for this to be taken seriously.
Toronto Star: ‘Something So Sacred Has Been Taken Away From Me’
The article “Something So Sacred Has Been Taken Away From Me” by Moira Wyton describes the horrific experience that a PSSD sufferer has been put through. PSSD (Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) has taken a huge toll on the lives of those suffering, The sufferer in this article describes the condition as “A vitality that was gone in my body”. The article also highlights the fact that thousands of Canadians could be suffering from PSSD as of 2021. An estimate of up to 10,000 patients who are prescribed SSRIs in Canada could end up with PSSD after discontinuing the drug.
PSSD Episode: What Is PSSD?
The following video has been featured on ZDF, a channel in Germany viewed by about 15% of the country. This was aired over live television in August 2019. The informative video features Doctor and Medical journalist Dr. Christoph Specht discussing PSSD. He explains that it was just added into the EMA side effect labels and that more people need to be aware of this issue. You can find the full episode below with English subtitles. If you would like to view this episode without subtitles (in German), you can find the original video here.
Metro: Antidepressants were supposed to help me but they ended up making me impotent
The article “Antidepressants were supposed to help me but they ended up making me impotent” by Daryl Brown is about the suffering of PSSD that a victim describes has significantly affected his life. As a child, the sufferer was placed on antidepressants, and by the age of 21 he was completely numb and impotent. The victim saw a neurologist in London who then diagnosed him with Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD). The doctor claimed to have seen a lot of these cases, so to see this continue years after this article was published is quite concerning.
The Guardian: My life in sex — ‘After taking antidepressants, my genitals felt numb’
The article ‘After taking antidepressants, my genitals felt numb’ by Anonymous discusses the experience of a woman who developed PSSD after discontinuing her antidepressant. “Its been 8 years and the sexual side effects haven’t improved” says the sufferer who has been battling the condition since 2010. While this article was published to the Guardian in 2018, PSSD has been causing the destruction of relationships and marriages and continues to do so as of 2024.
The People’s Pharmacy: Lasting Sexual Problems Ruined A Marriage
The article “Lasting Sexual Problems Ruined A Marriage” by Terry Graedon states that sometimes, persistent sexual dysfunction will continue for months and years. This piece features the experience of a PSSD sufferer who states that he lost his marriage during his ongoing battle of living with PSSD, he fears that this is permanent. Graedon explains that there is no treatment for PSSD, and cites multiple sources to backup her statement. After reading the article, a comment section lies beneath with other sufferers sharing their experience as well.
Daily Mail: Depression pills sabotaged my love life
The article “Depression Pills Sabotaged My Love Life” by Katinka Newman describes the experience of a woman prescribed Lexapro for insomnia while dealing with a divorce. The woman had suffered an adverse reaction to the drug, resulting in homicidal thoughts of killing her children. She was taken to an emergency center and tried on different drugs, only to find out that her sexual dysfunction persisted after stopping the drug. Fortunately, she regained this after a month, however she discusses how she had come across a support group online for PSSD. She states that she was lucky to not experience it, however another sufferer within the article describes his experience after living with it for over a decade.
Catalâ Institute of Pharmacology Foundation: Persistent sexual dysfunction - Antidepressants, Finasteride and Retinoids
The article published in the Yellow Bulletin of the ‘Catalâ Institute of Pharmacology Foundation’ describes medications including antidepressants and finasteride, which can cause sexual dysfunction. When this dysfunction persists after the cessation of treatment and lasts for months, years or indefinitely, it is quite worrying. Researchers are still puzzled on what causes the removal of libido, pleasure, and genital anesthesia among other side effects. There are some theories in the air explaining potential serotonergic inhibitory activity that influences the liberación de dopamina mesolimbica related to the Sexual behavior.
Men’s Health: The Pill That Kills Your Sex Drive
The article “The Pill That Kills Your Sex Drive” by Paul John Scott discusses the effect of sexual dysfunction while on antidepressants, however a man within the article describes his experience of living with PSSD for 5 years. While PSSD is mentioned and discussed in the article, emotional blunting is also mentioned along with the reason why that happens after using SSRI’s. As this article was published in 2014, Dr. David Healy was interviewed and claimed that PSSD reports were becoming more common.
Fast forward a decade later (2024), PSSD is finally becoming recognized and added into side effect labels.
RxISK: Buried Alive — Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD)
The article “Buried Alive: Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD)” explains the existence of PSSD since the 90’s, and the denial of harms from the pharmaceutical companies. A sufferer gets the opportunity to share his story from 2005. This 2013 article is proof that the denial of prescribed harm still exists and urgently needs to be investigated.
Streetvibes: Despair takes a young man’s life
The Streetvibes Newspaper had featured an article of a PSSD sufferer from Philadelphia, PA in 2010. The sufferer had graduated from Penn State University, and went on to live in Philadelphia where he was then placed on an antidepressant for anxiety. Before experiencing PSSD, he was given antipsychotics which induced Tardive Dyskinesia. After some time, he discontinued the medications which resolved the symptoms, however he was then tried on Lexapro. The sufferer described the beginning of taking Lexapro as an LSD trip, which then went downhill afterwards. Within two weeks of using the drug, the sufferer began to experience sexual dysfunction and emotional blunting, prompting him to discontinue the drug. These side effects persisted for the remaining 9 months of his life, PSSD.